Almost every adult on earth knows what excel is. This is a very powerful and convenient tool in data processing. But it has one drawback, it cannot execute SQL queries. We decided to combine the convenience of excel and the power of MySQL. Our online service allows you to run MySQL queries to excel tables. Using it is very simple. First, upload your excel file to the site, then write a MySQL query directly on the site and execute it. The result is also displayed directly on the site at the bottom of the screen. The result can be copied and transferred to any place, for example, to the same excel. For example, the following query will select the entire column A of the sheet 'list1' of the downloaded excel file:
select A from `list1`
The site has a separate function for exporting excel to MySQL. By clicking on the “Export excel in MySQL ($1)” button, you will download the sql file. When you run this file in your MySQL editor, the corresponding tables will be created, one for each excel sheet.
The project is designed for an international audience, so it is designed in English. The project will be of interest to excel users performing complex processing of big data. These can be banks, trading companies, research organizations, etc.
The site is paid, the subscription costs $ 1 per month. The first month is free. The site also has a technical support chat.