
The budgeting method for maximum fulfilment. Get the most out of your money - and your life. Plan your future with ease and confidence with forecast budgeting.


Orus is a forecast budgeting SaaS designed to help you get the most out of your money -- and your life. It is heavily influenced by the book "Die with Zero" by Bill Perkins. Maintaining a traditional budget can be a frustrating, stressful, and guilt-inducing experience. Forecast budgeting is an unrestrictive way to manage your money by looking into the future. Instead of tracking what you've spent, it helps you predict how much money you'll have at any given time. Predict how much money you'll have at any given time, discover how much you can afford, and see what impact any transaction would have on your balance over time. [Try the live demo now](https://app.orus.software?utm_source=saashub&utm_content=product_description).


Early adopters


  • Website/Web app

Launch date

October 03, 2023


October 30, 2023