
Best Online Shortfilm video watching and sharing platform


Shortfundly is an online video platform to brings the collection of short films for short film lovers around the globe to search and save their favorite short films. Shortfundly will help to get more views to short films and provides incredible short film rating. This rating, reviews and feedback will help you to get idea an where good and where need to improve skillset. Shortfundly believe most of us require those reviews and feedback. Shortfundly also serves as a best platform for short film makers to look for inspirational short films and help to meet short film experts. The online shortfilm sharing portal (shortfundly) start collecting 20,000+ short films to different short film categories from new age filmmakers. This portal will also use its contacts to promote the films in the short film festival circuit. Shortfundly shares plenty of new films every day. Shortfundly building a community to help short film makers / directors. Everybody starts small, showcase talent on our platform and reach out to millions of short film viewers from all over the world.




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October 05, 2015